Stabilize Client Portfolios And Reduce Risk
Amid runaway inflation and higher market volatility, your clients are looking for ways to protect their portfolios. Traditional approaches often mean
accepting a lower return potential for investment stability. Fortunately, there’s a better solution.
At Equiton, we strive to cut volatility, not returns. Our experienced leadership team knows how to find and build wealth in real estate and has a record
of exceptional results.
Have Questions? We’re here to help.
Have Questions? We’re here to help.
Outperformed Major Asset Classes
Private Canadian Apartments have historically outperformed major asset classes. Even during the 2008 Financial Crisis, the darkest days of the COVID-19-induced crash in 2020, and the 2022 Inflation Crisis Private Canadian Apartments remained positive.
Instead of relying on the unpredictable private market, we believe Private Canadian Apartments provide a reliable alternative with little volatility risk.
Reduce Your Clients’ Volatility
Over the last 35 years, Private Canadian Apartments have provided investors with significant downside protection. Over this period, Private Canadian Apartments have never had a negative annual return, while in contrast, all other major asset classes have had numerous years of negative returns.
Percentage of Years with Positive/Negative Annual Returns 1988-2022
Just The Facts
Over the last 35 years Private Canadian Apartments have averaged a 10.14% annual return and have never experienced a negative return.
The Equiton Residential Income Fund Trust has delivered only positive returns since inception and historically low volatility. ††
Real Assets. Real Returns. Real Resilience. A Real Choice.
- Private Canadian Apartments = MSCI/REALPAC Canada Quarterly Property Fund Total Return Index- Residential/ MSCI Real Estate Analytics Portal– Accessed January 30, 2023
- Canadian Equities = S&P/TSX Composite Total Return Index / Bloomberg – Accessed January 30, 2023
- Canadian Preferred Shares = S&P/TSX Capped REIT Total Return Index / Bloomberg – Accessed January 30, 2023
- Canadian Bonds = FTSE Canadian Universe Bond Total Return Index / – Accessed January 30, 2023
- Global Equities = MSCI World Total Return Index / MSCI Inc., – Accessed January 30, 2023
- US Equities = MSCI US Total Return Index / Bloomberg – Accessed January 30, 2023
††Equiton Residential Income Fund Trust inception May 2016. As at May 31, 2023.
DISCLAIMER: All information contained herein, while obtained from sources which are believed to be reliable, is not guaranteed as to its accuracy or completeness. It is important for an investor to consider the particular risk factors that may affect the industry in which it is investing and therefore the stability of the distributions that it receives. The risks involved in this type of investment may be greater than those normally associated with other types of investments. Please refer to the Offering Memorandum for a further discussion of the risks of investing in the Trust.
PAST PERFORMANCE MAY NOT BE REPEATED. Investing in the Fund Units can involve significant risks and the value of an investment may go down as well as up.
There is no guarantee of performance. Only investors who do not require immediate liquidity of their investment should consider a potential purchase of Units.