2024 Equiton Real
Estate Investor Showcase
Register now for the 2024 Equiton Real Estate Investor Showcase and unlock the potential of passive real estate investments with our combined decades of industry expertise. Connect with leading professionals, gain valuable insights, and explore innovative strategies that can take your investment journey to the next level. Don’t miss this opportunity to network with top experts and enhance your investment approach.
Since 2015, Equiton has offered real estate investment solutions designed to grow your wealth. We employ a practical, hands-on approach to real estate investing, with a relentless focus on maximizing returns for our investors.
What’s in Store:
Gain exclusive insights from Equiton’s leadership team, with over 200 years of combined real estate expertise.
- Have questions? This is your opportunity to connect directly with our Founder, Jason Roque and Co-Founder Helen Hurlbut, and network with like-minded investors.
Leave with powerful strategies for passive real estate investing from Michele Romanow, Co-Founder and Executive Chair of Clearco.
This event is all about building genuine connections and gaining valuable insights in the world of real estate investing. Admission is complimentary, and we invite you to bring a guest along. Prepare for an energizing experience like no other!
Register Now
Michele Romanow, Co-Founder and Executive
Chair of Clearco.
Michele transformed Clearco into the world’s largest e-commerce investor, driving over $5 billion into 10,500+ companies across 13 countries. She’ll share her insights on navigating today’s economic challenges and uncovering growth opportunities through passive real estate investing.
2024 Equiton Real
Estate Investor Showcase
Register now for the 2024 Equiton Real Estate Investor Showcase and unlock the potential of passive real estate investments with our combined decades of industry expertise. Connect with leading professionals, gain valuable insights, and explore innovative strategies that can take your investment journey to the next level. Don’t miss this opportunity to network with top experts and enhance your investment approach.
Since 2015, Equiton has offered real estate investment solutions designed to grow your wealth. We employ a practical, hands-on approach to real estate investing, with a relentless focus on maximizing returns for our investors.
What’s in Store:
Gain exclusive insights from Equiton’s leadership team, with over 200 years of combined real estate expertise.
Have questions? This is your opportunity to connect directly with our Founder, Jason Roque and Co-Founder Helen Hurlbut, and network with like-minded investors.
Leave with powerful strategies for passive real estate investing from Michele Romanow, Co-Founder and Executive Chair of Clearco.
This event is all about building genuine connections and gaining valuable insights in the world of real estate investing. We encourage you to bring a guest and get ready for an energizing experience like no other!
Register Now
Michele Romanow, Co-Founder and Executive
Chair of Clearco.
Michele transformed Clearco into the world’s largest e-commerce investor, driving over $5 billion into 10,500+ companies across 13 countries. She’ll share her insights on navigating today’s economic challenges and uncovering growth opportunities through passive real estate investing.
2024 Equiton
Real Estate
Register now for the 2024 Equiton Real Estate Investor Showcase and unlock the potential of passive real estate investments with our combined decades of industry expertise. Connect with leading professionals, gain valuable insights, and explore innovative strategies that can take your investment journey to the next level. Don’t miss this opportunity to network with top experts and enhance your investment approach.
Since 2015 Equiton has offered real estate investment solutions designed to grow your wealth. We employ a practical, hands-on approach to real estate investing, with a relentless focus on maximizing returns for our investors.
Register Now
What’s in Store
Gain exclusive insights from Equiton’s leadership team, with over 200 years of combined real estate expertise.
- Have questions? This is your opportunity to connect directly with our Founder, Jason Roque and Co-Founder Helen Hurlbut, and network with like-minded investors.
Leave with powerful strategies for passive real estate investing from Michele Romanow, Co-Founder and Executive Chair of Clearco.
This event is all about building genuine connections and gaining valuable insights in the world of real estate investing. We encourage you to bring a guest and get ready for an energizing experience like no other!
Michele Romanow, Co-Founder and Executive
Chair of Clearco.
Michele transformed Clearco into the world’s largest e-commerce investor, driving over $5 billion into 10,500+ companies across 13 countries. She’ll share her insights on navigating today’s economic challenges and uncovering growth opportunities through passive real estate investing.
Saturday, October 19, 2024
10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Lunch and Networking Session
Complimentary Parking
Oasis Convention Centre
1036 Lakeshore Road East,
Mississauga, ON
About Equiton
Canadian-owned and operated, Equiton is a leading private equity firm that delivers solid returns for investors. In addition to making private real estate investing accessible to all Canadians, Equiton is proud to educate and empower Canadians by funding independent real estate research, delivering expert insights, and driving advocacy as part of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce’s Housing and Development Strategy Council.
Space is limited. Register today to secure your spot for this exciting opportunity. Stay tuned for further details as the event approaches.
Please note: This event is open to attendees aged 18 and over.
Register Now